Tuesday, the 6th of November 2018, will live to be an eventful day as students displayed unusual talents during the film festival and prize giving day.
A lot of the students used this avenue to express their beliefs, their values, and even went as far as enlightening the audience by putting together a drama-documentary about their career pathways, and ways they would be beneficial to their future and to the society.
Awards were given to the students based on their performance. Winners were selected by the head of the department of each pathway. The prize giving commenced with individual students who excelled in their pathways.
Amadi Kansiyochukwu dominating the engineering pathway while Adeyemo Toyosi was best in the pre-med pathway. Mayokun Alabi came out best in the business pathway. Odubenu Chidinma and James Abasimfon were the overall best in humanities and law respectively.
These students were given special prizes for their hard work and dedication to the project while others were encouraged to do better. In the end,
the pathway with the best performance was the pre-med, while law came second, and humanities rounded off the top 3.
Camillus Abatai was elected as the student president and Success Ogbonna as his vice-president. Success is also the inaugural winner of our student of the month award.
Check out photos of the event in the gallery.